Separating solid and liquid. Unifying people and technology.

We are BOKELA – the Filtration People. We separate solids from liquids for the chemical, pharmaceutical and mining industries. One thing, however, is inseparably linked: our engineers and their passion for innovative filtration solutions. Thanks to that, we define standards worldwide. Get to know us – as a customer or as an applicant.



Crossflow filtration, pressure filtration, vacuum filtration. Those are our core technologies, solving your individual challenges in solid-liquid separation.


Passionate researcher's spirit, know-how, expertise. That's what sets us apart. Get to know us - entirely unfiltered. What we stand for, what we do and how we master the tasks of our customers worldwide.

News from the world of Filtration People

Ausenco QCC was engaged by BMA to provide design services for replacing three aged Denver disc filters at the Goonyella Coal Preparation Plant with new Bokela BoVac Disc filters. There was a key focus on debottlenecking the fine coal filtration circuit and on reducing disruptions to production.

21. April 2021

A next BoVac Disc L132 replaces vacuum disc filters of old design in order to modernize the coarse seed filtration at a European Alumina refinery.

15. March 2021

nph is an international charity that cares for and supports vulnerable children in Latin America. Nph's German office is in Karlsruhe, right next to BOKELA. We were so impressed by our neighbours' work that we decided to donate to nph instead of sending Christmas presents to our customers and partners.

11. December 2020

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© 2024 BOKELA GmbH Karlsruhe, Germany

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