BoFilTest in action - filling in of test suspension
BoFilTest in action - filling in of test suspension


Discover the entire potential of your BoFilTest

BoFilTest has gained a large fan base with over 100 customers in 21 countries over the past 30 years. Wherever filtration tests have to be carried out or small amounts of substances or liquids have to be extracted from suspensions, the compact, portable filtration device BoFilTest is the non-plus-ultra. Numerous production facilities, laboratories, control and research facilities around the world therefore use it for one of the many possible applications.

As developer and manufacturer of BoFilTest, we have already laid out over 150,000 m² of filter area with the help of this versatile filtration device. We use it to examine new requirements and applications almost every day, be it in our technical center or on-site at customers' premises.

What insights can be gained from your filtration tests?

Your BoFilTest enables you to determine all relevant filtration parameters and material parameters of a suspension. But how are these results used in practice? Which statements do they allow for the assessment of operational filters? What information is still hidden between the "lines"?

Discover the entire potential of your BoFilTest.

Use the full potential of information that filtration tests with your BoFilTest offer you.

We invite you to a free exchange of experiences.

We will give you tips and advice in an exclusive, individual web conference. Benefit from the know-how and experience of our filtration experts.

Contents of a personal web conference for an exchange of experiences:

  • Which filtration parameters and material parameters are decisive for the filtration process? How can these be determined with BoFilTest?
  • From laboratory tests to filter lay out
  • What does the new BoFilTest look like? Which design updates can be retrofitted to existing devices?
  • Your criticism, your suggestions, your questions to us.

Duration: approx. 90-120 minutes

Are you interested? Then just give us a call or write a short email:

Tel: +49 721 96456 14, E-mail:

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Any Questions? One Call is enough.

© 2025 BOKELA GmbH Karlsruhe, Germany

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