Instead of Christmas presents

BOKELA supports nph in supplying drinking water in Haiti

"nph Kinderhilfe" is an aid organization for vulnerable children in Latin America and Haiti. Since 2009, the German office of nph has been located in Karlsruhe, right next door to BOKELA. We were so impressed by the project work of our neighbours right from the start that we decided to donate to nph instead of sending Christmas presents to our customers and partners. That's why BOKELA has regularly supported nph projects ever since.

The island nation of Haiti is one of the "Least Developed Countries" and is characterised by instability, socio-political unrest, natural disasters and increasing violence and insecurity. Around 80% of Haiti's 11.8 million inhabitants live in poverty and more than 30% live below the poverty line.

In 2020, only 43% of Haiti's rural population had access to drinking water. Around 56% of the population have to walk more than 30 minutes to reach drinking water.

As wells cannot be drilled everywhere, not all sources can be used all year round and the prices for drinking water deliveries by tanker have risen sharply in recent years, alternatives must be found for a reliable supply of drinking water.

nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika is committed to providing more than 1,500 children in the nph children's village in Kenscoff in Haiti with access to clean water. This is to be achieved, among other things, through a large rainwater collection basin in conjunction with a water treatment plant with a filter capacity of more than 3,600 litres of water per day.

With our donation this year instead of Christmas presents, we would like to continue our support for nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika in their project.


Donations account:

nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e.V.
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Karlsruhe:
: DE06 6602 0500 0000 0120 00, BIC: BFSWDE33KRL
Keyword: "Access to water"
VAT No.: DE 2812 047 23


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