Crossflow filtration of microbe extracts

For pharmaceutical ingredients using BoCrossTest

Crossflow filtration of microbe extracts

Yes, you have read correctly! A very special sample arrived at our laboratory to be tested with our BoCrossTest dynamic crossflow filter. The extract of microbes had to be filtered to obtain active pharmaceutical ingredients. Certainly not an everyday task!

After several tests with different pressures, washes, (pre-)concentrations and with/without fiber additions, our Filtration People in the laboratory confirmed: we can do it!

Based on these test results and our filtration expertise, we were able to design a suitable solution for productive use. It was even possible to meet the requirements with our medium-sized M-filter. This allowed both the liquids to be harvested and the residues to be cleanly separated without clogging the membrane.

A very satisfactory result – and another job done by the filtration people of BOKELA!


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