“Nph Children's Aid Latin America” is an international charity that cares for vulnerable children in Latin America. Since 2009 the German office of nph has been right next to BOKELA. From the beginning we were and are so impressed by our neighbors' project work that we decided to donate to nph instead of sending our customers and partners Christmas presents. That is why BOKELA has been supporting nph projects on a regular basis ever since.
The St. André School is a comprehensive school that was built by “nph Children's Aid Latin America” and financed with donations. It is located in southeast Haiti - one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere. Now the school urgently needs an expansion to make room for new classes and new students
The state-approved school teaches around 300 pupils, who are meanwhile also taught in the teachers' room, in the director's room and in the infirmary - and only up to the 9th grade. It is not yet possible to get an A level school leaving certificate here in the country.
“nph Children's Aid Latin America” has set itself the goal of expanding the school so that more children can attend school and also complete their A level school leaving certificate here. Because education is a way out of poverty and in a country like Haiti not all children have the opportunity to attend school.
The costs for this construction project are € 200,000 and must be raised through donations. BOKELA had already supported this project last year. It was nph's goal that the expanded St. André School should be inaugurated by January 2022. Unfortunately, due to the worldwide Covid19 situation, this goal could not be achieved. But 120,000 euros have already been transferred to Haiti. We are supporting the St. André School again this year and are informing our customers and business partners about this project so that nph can collect the missing amount as quickly as possible through further donations.
The current plan provides that the school will be rebuilt and expanded after the summer vacation in September 2022 so that the 9th grade children can then attend the 10th grade.
The project is also supported by the city of Karlsruhe as part of the joint initiative “1000 schools for the world”. The city of Karlsruhe is helping nph as much as possible to win over as many companies and citizens as possible to support this project.
Donations account:
nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e.V.
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft Karlsruhe:
IBAN: DE06 6602 0500 0000 0120 00, BIC: BFSWDE33KRL
USt. IdNr.: DE 2812 047 23