Coal producers around the world are striving to increase the efficiency of their plants through modern preparation processes. The focus here is on improving profitability and avoiding environmental damage. It is therefore of particular importance to make fine coal economically exploitable and to minimize the loss of coal and thus, the amount of tailings. A crucial component for this is the availability of cost-efficient, high-performance filtration technology.

BOKELA offers plant operators the right solutions for all challenges. Leading global coal producers rely on the robust and reliable BOKELA filtration technologies.

Fine Coal
Our BoVac Disc filters are well established on many coal washeries in the dewatering of fine coal and are considered as a benchmark for the state of the art. When moisture in the range of 20 to 30 wt.-% is sufficient, the BoVac Disc filters are unbeatable in the filtration of fine coal in both CAPEX and OPEX.

Lower residual moisture is achieved with our innovative BoHiBar Disc filters. They are the right solution when dry coal with a moisture content of 15 to 20 wt.-% is needed.

Very low residual moisture contents can be achieved with BoHiBar Disc Filters if they are equipped for steam pressure filtration. This unique process is the most economical choice for obtaining very dry coal with a residual moisture content of less than 15 wt.-%. A thermal drying is no longer needed, then.

Coal Tailings
BoVac Disc Filters are also used for the filtration of coal tailings. They deliver results that meet all requirements for a dry landfill of the residues and are convincing in these applications with top marks in terms of CAPEX and OPEX.

When the clay content is high and lower moisture is required, our innovative BoHiBar Disc Filters are the best choice for coal tailings filtration.


Main benefits:

  • high throughput
  • low costs with regard to CAPEX and OPEX
  • minimal maintenance
  • highest availability
  • small footprint
  • lowest residual moisture possible by steam pressure filtration
    • no thermal drying required
    • "Waste to product"

BoVac Disc filter

For the Filtration of High Suspension Amounts.

BoVac Disc filters are used for the filtration and dewatering of high amounts of suspensions. The enormous filter surface allows high specific throughputs. Due to the modular construction, the filters can be adjusted to various process conditions.

BoHiBar Disc filter

For Particularly Dry Solids.

Continuous pressure filtration for real challenges – such as the filtration of very fine-grained products, high suspension amounts or very low residual moisture. If faced with demanding and challenging filtration tasks and not a lot of space at hand, BoHiBar Disc filters are the right choice.

Continuous Pressure Filtration

For particularly fine particles, high throughputs and very low residual moisture.

Continuous pressure filtration with a BoHiBar Disc filter is the right solution for products difficult to filter and high suspension amounts, as for example in ore, coal or mineral processing. The BoHiBar Drum filter provides excellent results with regard to filtering and washing fine-grained products and demanding process conditions.

Filtration of Flotation Coal Concentrate

The two BoVac Disc filters L176 with a filtration area of each 176 m² are used in a coal preparation plant in Australia for the filtration of flotation coal concentrate.

Vacuum Filtration. State-of-the-Art Design for High Performance.

BoVac Disc, BoVac Drum and BoVac Pan – those are continuously working disc, drum and pan filters for vacuum filtration. They are used especially with regard to continuous production processes with high throughputs.

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© 2025 BOKELA GmbH Karlsruhe, Germany

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