Efficient and reliable: filter solutions from mining to chemical industries.
Good for yield, product quality and environmental protection. BOKELA process filtration solutions are the result of many years of research and comprehensive practical knowledge of BOKELA engineers – used all over the world and in various industries.
What I love about BOKELA
„I've always wanted to see more of the world. With BOKELA, I have already been able to travel to and get to know over 40 countries on all continents.“
Jürgen Hahn, Senior Manager, Product & Business Development Joined BOKELA in 1989
Ore and Minerals
Filter technologies for improved efficiency and environmental protection.
In the processing of bauxite, coal or iron ore: the requirements for the extraction of ores and minerals are growing. The concentrates to be filtered are getting finer, the environmental requirements are higher and the economic pressure increases. BOKELA engineers develop sustainable filtration solutions for these challenges.
chemical and pharma industry
BOKELA: Because we care about pure products.
Without filtration technologies, most products in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries would be unthinkable. Their reliable operation is one of the most important elements in daily production. For maximum product purity, strict targets or regulations must be adhered to.