News & Events

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News & Events

100 years of commitment and power for The Filtration People.  Mr. Weidner, Managing Director of BOKELA, was able to award 8 colleagues for a total of 100 years with the company.

20. December 2021

AT MINERAL PROCESSING reports on the experiences and adventures of our colleague Jürgen Priwitzer, who works for the commissioning of BOKELA filters and for filter revamping projects on production facilities around the world.

16. December 2021

nph is an international charity that cares for vulnerable children in Latin America. Nph's German office is, right next to BOKELA. Since 2009 we have been supporting projects of nph instead of sending Christmas presents to our customers and partners. This year we again support the expansion of the St. André School in Haiti.

13. December 2021

Exhibition Calendar – Meet us here

April - November 2024
All over the world

24.-25. October 2024
Lima, Peru

12.-14. November
Cologne, Germany

Any Questions? One Call is enough.

© 2024 BOKELA GmbH Karlsruhe, Germany

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